(Greater Sudbury, ON.) – The Sudbury Spartans Men’s division are pleased to announce the 2024 season schedule which is set to open on June 8th at home with a 7pm kick-off.

The Men’s team will embark on a new chapter of football in Sudbury in the Ontario Power 5 Football League. The Sudbury Spartans are set to take part in a six-game regular season with three games at home and three games on the road.

“We are honoured and thrilled to join the Ontario Power 5 Football League, a league comprised of four of the strongest semi-pro football programs in Canada,” says Gord Goddard, president of the Sudbury Spartans. “This exciting opportunity not only elevates our team’s visibility but also underscores our commitment to excellence and competition. We look forward to showcasing the rich tradition and competitive spirit that defines Sudbury football on this new prestigious stage.”

The club is excited to kick-off the inaugural season of the Ontario Power 5 Football League at home.

Sudbury Spartans Ontario Power 5 Football League Schedule:

June   8th  | 7pm – Home vs Sault

June 15th  | 7pm – Home vs Sarnia

June 22nd | 7pm – Home vs Tri City

July 6th     | 7pm – Away vs Tri City

July 13th   | 7pm – Away vs Sault

July 20th   | 7pm – Away vs Sarnia

Semi Finals: Aug 10th | Championship: Aug 17th

Tickets can be purchased at the gate for $10, while children aged 12 and under enjoy free entry. Shop Spartans merchandise at Greater Sports in the New Sudbury Centre during regular mall hours or online 24/7 at greatersudbury.ca

For more information visit sudburyspartans.com or follow the Spartans on Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram @sudburyspartans.